TITLE Integer Summation Program
;This program inputs multiple integers from the user
;stores them in an array,caculates the sum of the
;array,and displays the sum.
INCLUDE Irvine32.inc
IntegerCount = 3
prompt1 byte "enter a signed integer:",0
prompt2 byte "the sum of the integer...
; 程序功能:读取CMOS时间并显示
; CMOS读写方法如下:
; 1.向地址端口70H写入要访问的单元地址
; 2.从71H端口读出数据
; 注意:CMOS中存放的是BCD码
; 数码: 0 1 2 3 4
; BCD码:0000 0001 0010 0011 0100
; 数码: 5 ...