作者在 2007-10-31 18:10:00 发布以下内容
答:一、一个process可以有0个、1个或者多个session,一个session也可以存在若干个process中,并行同样是一个session对应一个process,主session是coordinator session,每个parallel process同样会对应数据库里一个单独的session。可以从v$px_session和v$session中验证这点。;
每个sql login称为一个连接(connection),而每个连接,可以产生一个或多个会话,如果数据库运行在专用服务器方式,
每个sql login称为一个连接(connection),而每个连接,可以产生一个或多个会话,如果数据库运行在专用服务器方式,
三、A session is a specific connection of a user to an Oracle server.The session starts when the
user is validated by the Oracle server, and it ends when the user logs out or when there is an
abnormal termination.
In the UNIX environment, most Oracle processes are threads of one master Oracle
process rather than being individual processes. On Windows NT, all processes
consist of at least one thread.