head.cpptypedef struct grade{ char num[10];//学号 char name[8]; int chinese; int english; int math; int computer; struct grade *next;}GRADE;int count;//全局变量,总学生人数传递char password[10];//全局变量,密码消息传递 GRADE *head,*tail;//头指针,尾指针char first;//为0时,表明不是第一次登陆系统
queue.cpptypedef struc...
//循环队列#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#define MAXSIZE 20typedef struct { int *base; int rear; int front;}SqQueue;void Instructions(void){ printf("Enter your choice:\n" "1、Insert an element to the Queue\n" "2、Delete an element from the Queue\n" "3、End\n");}v...
#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <time.h>#define MAXSIZE 100#define ELEMTYPE inttypedef struct { int i,j; ELEMTYPE elem;}Triple;typedef struct{ Triple data[MAXSIZE+1]; int rcount,ccount,counter;}TSMatrix;void Display(TSMatrix M){ int temp; printf("********...