pku1569Myacm Triangles

题目:pku1569 代码:计算几何(点在三角形内部)+枚举 // the number of monuments: at least 4, and at most 15#include <iostream>#include <cmath>using namespace std;const double eps=1e-10;struct point{ double x,y; };typedef point triangle[3];//=================================== //判断点p是否在三角形内部 double triangle_area...
2010-08-06 14:36 | 阅读 905 次 | 评论 0 条

HDU1548A strange lift

题目链接:hdu1548 声明:本文摘自 sunkehappy#include <stdio.h>#define DEBUG 0const int N=300 ;const int Max = 10000000 ;int n, map[N][N], used[N], dis[N] ;void Dijkstra( int a, int b ){ int i, j, index, min ; for( i=1; i<=n; ++i ){ dis[i] = map[a][i] ; used[i] = 0 ; } used[a] = 1...
2010-08-01 22:17 | 阅读 830 次 | 评论 0 条