作者在 2007-06-28 03:50:00 发布以下内容
(胡泳的BLOG:)居住在洛杉矶的FOX Interactive Media 产品经理Kareem Mayan汇集了18条关于Web 2.0的说法,在网上转帖颇广。
18. "The best way to build a successful business is to help other people make money." - Rich Skrenta, Topix.net, paraphrases some AOL exec
“打造一门成功生意的最好办法就是帮助别人赚钱。”——Topix.net的Rich Skrenta这样释义AOL某高管的话
17. "I'll go to multiple news sites because I don't trust any one site." - Sean, age 17, on how he gets news online
16. "When you get to college, MySpace isn't a big deal anymore." - Sasha, age 18, on how high school is so last year
15. "Build, learn, and make mistakes as you go--you'll know more about what you're doing as you're doing it, instead of before you do it." - Jason Fried, 37 Signals, advocating iterative development
“一边做,一边建造、学习和犯错误——对你正在做的事情,你只有做了才会懂得更多,而不是事前空想。”——37Signals的Jason Fried