[转帖]MMORPG各种缩写解释完全版 (下)

作者在 2007-06-21 07:55:00 发布以下内容

GA General Go Ahead.
GA 通用 Go Ahead.前进

Gank General Gang up to attack.
Gank 通用 Gang up to attack.联合起来攻击

Gate General A form of teleportation spell. E.g. “I was hitting on him, and he just gated out of there”.
Gate 通用 传送魔法

GF General Girlfriend or Good Fight.
GF 通用 Girlfriend or Good Fight.女朋友或者打的不错

GG General “Good Game!”. Often used at the end of a memorable match.
GG 通用 Good Game!赞扬别人打的好

Gimp General Expression used to describe a poorly developed or poorly performing character. Sometimes used as an insult.
Gimp 通用 垃圾人物,有时用做辱骂对方的人物

GL General Good Luck.
GL 通用 好运

GM General Games Master.
GM 通用 Games Master.不多解释了

GMTA General Great Minds Think Alike.
GMTA 通用 Great Minds Think Alike.想的一样的

GP General Gold Pieces. The traditional [RPG] Currency.
GP 通用 Gold Pieces. 传统RPG的货币

Gratz! General Congratulations!
Gratz! 通用 恭喜了

Griefer General A person who deliberately upsets others for his own pleasure.
Griefer 通用 故意让别人生气一满足自己的喜好的人。(俗称BT或小白)

Grind General Tedious or repetitive activities that bring the game experience down.
Grind 通用 单调乏味和重复的活动,使游戏乐趣大大的减少

GTG General Good To Go. A term employed to inform your party that you are ready to proceed.
GTG 通用 Good To Go.可以走了

Guild General A group of players who have banded together under a common banner. Most [MMOGs] enable players to create their own guilds.
Guild 通用 行会

GVG General Guild vs Guild.
GVG 通用 Guild vs Guild.行会之间的对战

Haste General Increased movement speed, commonly caused by a spell or effect.
Haste 通用 加速魔法

Hatetell General Getting a [tell] from someone that you just killed or general hatred.
Hatetell 通用 从一个刚被你杀死或者你很讨厌的人那里收到对方发来的密语。

HaXXor/h4XXor General Hacker. A player who uses cheats or exploits to get ahead in the game.
HaXXor/h4XXor 通用 黑客。

HF General Have Fun.
HF 通用 慢慢玩

HoT General Healing over Time. Refers to the effects of a spell or ability that replenishes health gradually, over a given period of time.
HoT 通用 持续加血

HP General Hit points. The health of a character, [MOB] or [NPC].
HP 通用 Hit points. 不多解释了

HQ General Headquarters.
HQ 通用 Headquarters.总部

Hybrid General A multi-role character class. For example, the Deathknight in Everquest is a hybrid class, as it boasts the abilities of both a necromancer and a warrior.
Hybrid 通用 指复合性职业。比如EQ里的死亡骑士就是共同拥有巫师和战士的技能

IIRC General If I Recall Correctly.
IIRC 通用 If I Recall Correctly.如果我没记错的话

Imba General Imbalanced. Can refer to any element in a game that is over/underpowered.
Imba 通用 Imbalanced.不平衡的

IMO/IMHO General In My Opinion, or In My Humble Opinion.
IMO/IMHO 通用 In My Opinion, or In My Humble Opinion.我觉得...

Int General Intelligence.
Int 通用 智力

Invis General Invisibility. Any spell or effect which makes a character invisible.
Invis 通用 隐身。

IP/SP General Improvement Points/Skill Points. Points earned at each level, which may then be spent on enhancing your skills or abilities. Also: Internet Protocol, or Intellectual Property.
IP/SP 通用 Improvement Points/Skill Points.技能点

IRL General In Real Life
IRL 通用 在现实生活中

JJ/JK General Just Joking / Just Kidding.
JJ/JK 通用 Just Joking / Just Kidding.开玩笑的

KS General Kill Steal. The act of killing a [mob] that another player has already initiated combat with. This is considered unsporting, and extremely poor etiquette.
KS 通用 Kill Steal.就是指抢怪

l337 General Elite. Pronounced “Leet”. E.g. “Me 1337. U [suXXor!]”.
l337 通用 精英。

Lag General Slow data transmissi

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