Web Design and Programming (7175 & 6691) University of Canberra Faculty of Science and Technology

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Faculty of Science and Technology

Web Design and Programming (7175 & 6691)

Assignment 2 Hint

Submission date: 23:59 Sunday 01/11/2020 (Week 13)

Type: Individual assignment

Total mark: 20

Minimum mark to pass this assignment: 4

Submission: Submit via Canvas the following

1.       A .zip file that contains all files in your web application project and database files.

2.       Usernames and passwords for web manager and registered user.

Late submission: 5% of the total mark (i.e., 1 mark) per day.

Template: the current template you are using in Week 9, Week 10 and Week 11 Tutorials

Tasks: Design and implement a responsive website for Data Science and Machine Learning that is similar to the website in Assignment 1. Online users can rate and post feedback after they are logged in, and a website manager can log in and edit or delete any current posts.



Website: use your own pages in Assignment 1 or download sample solution for Assignment 1 in Canvas. See Week 9 Tutorial for moving pages in Assignment 1 to Assignment 2

Template: ASP.NET Core Web Application in Visual Studio 2019. Language: C# (-20 marks if these template and language are not used).

2.       Website: full-width layout, responsive design, and having the following pages: Home page, Restaurants page, Cuisines page, Dishes page, Prices page, Locations page, Reviews page and Contact & About page for contact and about this website. Links to those pages are available as menu items on the main menu of the website.


Requirements 3-10:

See tutorials and lectures in Week 10, 11, and 12

The new web pages for reviews (Customer Reviews page (Index.cshtml) and pages for creating, editing, details, deleting review posts in folder for customer reviews pages) are created using MVC Entity Framework (-20 marks if MVC Entity Framework is not used) and have the design as seen in the screenshots below.

4.       User can read all review details posted on Restaurants page without login.

5.       User is required to log in before posting review on Restaurants page.

6.       User cannot edit or delete his/her review post after it is posted.

7.       Website manager can edit or delete any review post on Restaurants page or Customer Reviews page after he/she is logged in (you can manually assign manager role to a registered user in the current database of this website).

8.       A review post contains the following: date (when it is posted), name (who posted it, use the current username from login), heading, star rating, and review content. The user does not need to enter date and name, instead you implement controller methods to display and save date and name to the current database when the post is submitted. 

9.       There are 2 additional buttons (Agree and Disagree) for each review post and the user can increase the current number for agree or disagree after he/she is logged in.

10.   All review details (date, name, heading, star rating, review content, and current numbers for agree and disagree) of all posts have to be stored in the database created using MVC Entity Framework (-10 marks if all details are not saved in the database).

11.   Handle all exceptions that may occur at runtime (– 1 mark for each exception found).

No report is required. More details and help will be provided in tutorials and lectures.

Marks for each item are given below. The full marking guideline is on the last page.

1.       [6 marks] If the user clicks Reviews on the navigation bar, the Customer Reviews page will appear with the design below. Note details of those customer reviews below will be added later from other pages. Note: There is no customer review posts when you start creating this page.

Use bootstrap column, margin or padding here

Apply the same design on Prices and Locations pages here

Week 10 lecture and Week 11 tutorial show how to do this

These customer reviews will be added automatically from the Create page (details how to create are listed below)

2.       [0.25 mark] On this Customer Reviews page, if the user clicks on create an account, the following page will appear, and the user can register. The register data has to be saved to the database.

Use default layout or apply your preferred layout. Yours might not be the same, depending on your OS (Windows/mac) and Core version (3.1 or 2.1)

3.       [0.25 mark] On this Customer Reviews page, if the user clicks on log in, the following page will appear, and the user can enter username and password to log in (the user has to create an account first):

Use default layout or apply your preferred layout. Yours might not be the same, depending on your OS (Windows/mac) and Core version (3.1 or 2.1)

Week 12 Tutorial helps you redirect to that page

4.       [0.5 mark] After the user is logged in (either website manager or registered user), the user will be redirected to this Customer Reviews page, and will not see

Week 10 Tutorial helps you show/hide an HTML element

Instead the user will see a blue button

on this Customer Reviews page as follows (other content and layout on this page remain the same)

Should have a margin here

5.       [1 mark] If the user clicks on this Submit a Review button, the user will see the Create a Review page below. Note that

a.       Date: the current date (when the user opens this page)

b.       Name: the username (for login),

c.       Other details: as seen in the screenshot below

The user will use this page to create a new customer review as follows: the user selects a restaurant from the dropdown list (there are at least 6 restaurants you have implemented in Assignment 1), enter a heading, enter a comment and change the number for rating from 0 to 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 (your website needs to handle exceptions if the user does not enter a number between 0 and 5). After the user clicks the Create button, the user will be redirected to the Customer Reviews page and will see the new customer review posted in the list. The number entered for star rating will be the number of yellow stars seen on the page.

Use default layout or apply your preferred layout. Yours might not be the same, depending on your OS (Windows/mac) and Core version (3.1 or 2.1)

Apply the same design on Prices and Locations pages here

Lectures and tutorials in Week 9, 10, 11 &12 help you implement those

Date: date and read only

Name: current logged in user, read only

Heading: place holder

Restaurant: drop-down list

Comment: place holder, multiple lines and resizable

Rating: 0

On the Customer Reviews page:

Design as you see in this screenshot


6.       [0.5 mark] If the user is website manager, after logged in the user will see two extra buttons (Edit and Delete) appeared on every customer review (see the screenshot above). However, if the user is not website manager (i.e. just a registered user), the user will not see these two buttons.

7.       [1 mark] If the website manager clicks on the Edit button, the manager will see the Edit page as below. The manager edits all details except the date (greyed out, not editable) then clicks the Save button and be back to the Customer Reviews page. The manager will see the updated review on this page. Note: the date appeared on this Edit page is the current date at which the Edit form is opened.

All data for editing come from database for current post

The order of Heading, Rating, Restaurant, . . ., Agree and Disagree must be the same

Date: date can be dd/mm/yyyy or other, and read only

Name: current logged in user, read only

Restaurant: input box, not drop-down list

Comment: multiple lines and resizable

Use default layout or apply your preferred layout. Yours might not be the same, depending on your OS (Windows/mac) and Core version (3.1 or 2.1)

Design as you see for this one

Apply the same design on Prices and Locations pages here

8.       [1 mark] If the website manager clicks on the Delete button of a review, the Delete page will appear as seen below with all details of that review

Use default layout or apply your preferred layout. Yours might not be the same, depending on your OS (Windows/mac) and Core version (3.1 or 2.1)

Apply the same design on Prices and Locations pages here

After clicking the Delete button, the manager will be redirected to the Customer Reviews page and will not see that review (it has been removed from the list).

Note: For items 9 and 10 below, the registered user can only change the number for either Agree or Disagree (cannot change both) and only once in the current session (the registered user needs to logoff to stop the current session then login again to start a new session if the user wants to change the number for either Agree or Disagree again).

9.       [0.75 mark] If the logged in user clicks on Agree, it will add 1 to the next number. For example Agree(11) becomes Agree(12) after clicked.

10.   [0.75 mark] If the logged in user clicks on Disagree, it will add 1 to the next number. For example Disagree(4) becomes Disagree(5) after clicked.

11.   [1 mark] If the logged in user clicks on Details (for example in the first review for Delicious Pizza), the following page will appear

Use default layout or apply your preferred layout. Yours might not be the same, depending on your OS (Windows/mac) and Core version (3.1 or 2.1)

Apply the same design on Prices and Locations pages here

Design as you see for this one


If the logged user clicks on Back to List link, the logged in user will be redirected to the Customer Reviews page.

[1.5 mark] Adding the list of customer reviews to Restaurants page

The area for big picture on this page in Assignment 1 will be removed and the list of customer reviews will be added. Note: the list of customer reviews needs to be sorted by dates, newest to oldest one.

Use this full-width area for listing customer reviews (sorted by date).

Marking Guideline (max 20 marks)

·         [4 marks] Adding Home page, Restaurants page, Cuisines page, Dishes page, Prices page, Locations page, and Contact & About page from Assignment 1. HTML, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery need to be in the right files.

·         [6 marks] Customer Reviews page

o   [1 mark] Background, headers, Be the Critic text and 2 square images

o   [0.5 mark] Design of the list of reviews (full width layout)

o   [3.5 marks] Design and implementation of a review (must be the same design with that seen on page 2), Controller methods and Model class

o   [0.5 mark] Register and login links (seen on page 3)

o   [0.5 mark] Change ‘Please login …’ to Submit a Review button

·         [1 mark] Design of Create a Review page (seen on pages 4 & 5)

·         [0.5 mark] Show/hide Edit and Delete button on Customer Reviews page depending on user role

·         [1 mark] Design of Edit page

·         [1 mark] Design of Delete page

·         [1.5 marks] Implementation of Agree and Disagree buttons and methods

·         [1 mark] Design of Details page

·         [1.5 marks] Adding and sorting (by date) list of reviews to Restaurants page

·         [2 marks] Manager role and Registered User roles are correctly implemented

·         [0.5 mark] Main menu and Footer

·         [1 mark] Overall

·         [– 20 marks] Template for ASP.NET Core Web Application not used

·         [– 20 marks] MVC Entity Framework not used

·         [– 10 marks] If all details of customer review posts not saved in the database

·         [– 1 mark] For each exception not handled  

Lectures on Thursdays and Tutorials/Labs from Week 2 to Week 7 will help you design and implement this website.

Your assignment will be marked by your tutor. Please contact your tutor for further information on your mark.

Visit Virtual Room and Discussion forum on the Canvas site of this unit for more information posted by lecturer, tutors and other students.

Assignment extension: details in Unit Outline on Canvas.

-- END --


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