作者在 2006-12-03 00:51:00 发布以下内容
int CSslClientSocket::Rand(const char *file,int dont_warn,char * outMsg)
int consider_randfile = (file == NULL);
char buffer[200];
#ifdef WINDOWS
// BIO_flush(bio_e);
if (file == NULL)
file = RAND_file_name(buffer, sizeof buffer);
else if (RAND_egd(file) > 0)
/* we try if the given filename is an EGD socket.
if it is, we don't write anything back to the file. */
return 1;
if (file == NULL || !RAND_load_file(file, -1))
if (RAND_status() == 0 && !dont_warn)
sprintf(outMsg,"unable to load 'random state'\n");
sprintf(outMsg,"This means that the random number generator has not been seeded\n");
if (consider_randfile) /* explanation does not apply when a file is explicitly named */
sprintf(outMsg,"Consider setting the RANDFILE environment variable to point at a file that\n");
sprintf(outMsg,"'random' data can be kept in (the file will be overwritten).\n");
return 0;
return 1;
void CSslClientSocket::GetPeerInfo(SSL * ssl,stuSERVERINFO * stu)
X509 *peer=NULL;
char *p;
static char *space=" ";
char buf[BUFSIZ];//512
STACK_OF(X509) *sk;
STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *sk2;
X509_NAME *xn;
int j,i;
BIO *bio=BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
char bufout[1024]={0};
int got_a_chain = 0;
sk=SSL_get_peer_cert_chain(ssl);//returns a pointer to STACKOF(X509) certificates
if (sk != NULL)
got_a_chain = 1; /* we don't have it for SSL2 (yet) */
for (i=0; i<sk_X509_num(sk); i++)
// PEM_write_bio_X509(bio,sk_X509_value(sk,i));
// BIO_read(bio,bufout,4*BUFSIZ);
int consider_randfile = (file == NULL);
char buffer[200];
#ifdef WINDOWS
// BIO_flush(bio_e);
if (file == NULL)
file = RAND_file_name(buffer, sizeof buffer);
else if (RAND_egd(file) > 0)
/* we try if the given filename is an EGD socket.
if it is, we don't write anything back to the file. */
return 1;
if (file == NULL || !RAND_load_file(file, -1))
if (RAND_status() == 0 && !dont_warn)
sprintf(outMsg,"unable to load 'random state'\n");
sprintf(outMsg,"This means that the random number generator has not been seeded\n");
if (consider_randfile) /* explanation does not apply when a file is explicitly named */
sprintf(outMsg,"Consider setting the RANDFILE environment variable to point at a file that\n");
sprintf(outMsg,"'random' data can be kept in (the file will be overwritten).\n");
return 0;
return 1;
void CSslClientSocket::GetPeerInfo(SSL * ssl,stuSERVERINFO * stu)
X509 *peer=NULL;
char *p;
static char *space=" ";
char buf[BUFSIZ];//512
STACK_OF(X509) *sk;
STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *sk2;
X509_NAME *xn;
int j,i;
BIO *bio=BIO_new(BIO_s_mem());
char bufout[1024]={0};
int got_a_chain = 0;
sk=SSL_get_peer_cert_chain(ssl);//returns a pointer to STACKOF(X509) certificates
if (sk != NULL)
got_a_chain = 1; /* we don't have it for SSL2 (yet) */
for (i=0; i<sk_X509_num(sk); i++)
// PEM_write_bio_X509(bio,sk_X509_value(sk,i));
// BIO_read(bio,bufout,4*BUFSIZ);