Interactive Logon (Windows 2000 and Windows XP)

作者在 2006-12-01 17:44:00 发布以下内容

Interactive logon

Windows 2000 interactive logon

  1. CryptAcquireContext
    • Acquire a handle to the default container on the card
    • The calling process specifies the CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET and CRYPT_SILENT flags
    • Returns handle to default container context (#C1)
  2. CryptSetProvParam
    • Present the PIN to the card (#C1)
  3. CryptGetUserKey
    • Get a handle to the key exchange key pair in the default container (#C1)
  4. CryptGetKeyParam
    • Called to retrieve the size of the certificate on the card (#C1)
    • Returns the certificate size in bytes
  5. CryptGetKeyParam
    • Called with a buffer of sufficient size to read the certificate off the card
    • Returns the certificate data in the data buffer (#C1)
  6. CryptSetProvParam
    • Present the PIN to the card (#C1)
  7. CryptGetProvParam
    • Called with the PP_CONTAINER flag to retrieve the size of the name of the current container (#C1)
    • Returns the size of the name of the current container in bytes
  8. CryptGetProvParam
    • Called with the PP_CONTAINER flag to retrieve the name of the current container (#C1)
    • Returns the name of the current container
  9. CryptGetProvParam
    • Called with the PP_NAME flag to retrieve the size of the name of the CSP (#C1)
    • Returns the size of the name of the CSP in bytes
  10. CryptGetProvParam
    • Called with the PP_NAME flag to retrieve the name of the CSP (#C1)
    • Returns the name of the CSP
  11. CryptDestroyKey
    • Release the handle to the key exchange pair in the default container (#C1)
  12. CryptAcquireContext
    • Acquire a handle to the default container on the card
    • The calling process specifies the CRYPT_MACHINE_KEYSET and CRYPT_SILENT flags
    • Returns handle to default container context (#C2)
  13. CryptSetProvParam
    • Present the PIN to the card (#C2)
  14. CryptGetProvParam
    • Called with the PP_ENUMALGS parameter and the CRYPT_FIRST flag to get information about the first algorithm supported by the CSP (card) (#C2)
    • Returns a PROV_ENUMALGS structure filled out with information about the first algorithm
  15. CryptSetProvParam
    • Present the PIN to the card (#C2)
  16. CryptGetProvParam
    • Called with the PP_ENUMALGS parameter to get information about the next algorithm supported by the CSP (card) (#C2)
    • Returns a PROV_ENUMALGS structure filled out with information about the next algorithm

    Repeat 15, 16 until all algorithms enumerated

  17. CryptSetProvParam
    • Present the PIN to the card (#C2)
  18. CryptCreateHash
    • Get a handle to an MD5 hash object (#C1)
    • Returns a handle to a hash object (#1)
  19. CryptHashData
    • Hash the data passed in (#C1)
  20. CryptSignHash
    • Sign the hash (#C1)
  21. CryptDestroyHash
    • Release the handle to the hash object (#C1) (#1)
  22. CryptSetProvParam
    • Present the PIN to the card (#C2)
  23. CryptCreateHash
    • Get a handle to an MD5 hash object (#C1)
    • Returns a handle to a hash object (#1)
  24. CryptHashData
    • Hash the data passed in (#C1) (#1)
  25. CryptGetHashParam
    • Called with HP_HASHVAL to retrieve the size of the hash value (#C1) (#1)
    • Returns the size of the hash value in bytes
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