作者在 2019-05-09 17:28:58 发布以下内容
<select id="selectProCheck" parameterType="com.nssolsh.boot.modular.system.model.ResultMessage" resultMap="BaseResultMapHead">
exec dbo.execl_body_data_check @file_id =#{file_id},@after_month = #{after_month}
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[execl_body_data_check]
@file_id AS nvarchar,@after_month as nvarchar AS
declare date_cursor cursor for
select concat(b.year_month,'#',c.year_month) year_month from (
select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by a.year_month) as id,a.year_month
from (
select distinct year_month
from dbo.psi_item_detail_temp_info
where file_id = @file_id) a) b
left join
(select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by a.year_month) as id,a.year_month
from (
select distinct year_month
from dbo.psi_item_detail_temp_info
where file_id = @file_id) a) c on b.id+1=c.id
where c.year_month is not null
OPEN date_cursor --打开游标
FETCH date_cursor INTO @month_c --将游标里的,month_c赋给变量
select * from ( select sum(qty) t1_qty,item_cd,file_id from data_test where year_month = left(@month_c,7) and file_id = @file_id group by item_cd,file_id
) t1
left join ( select sum(qty) t2_qty,item_cd,file_id from data_test where year_month = right(@month_c,7) and file_id = @file_id group by item_cd,file_id
) t2 on t1.item_cd = t2.item_cd and t1.file_id = t2.file_id
IF (@@ERROR <> 0)
WHILE (@@fetch_status=0)
CLOSE date_cursor
DEALLOCATE date_cursor