The search technique what I thought

作者在 2006-07-30 09:25:00 发布以下内容
Here I want introduce my search technique, I don't know whether this technique is already used by some search enginee. At all, I have never heard or never seen.

Now come to the subject. I think, everyone here has the experience by searching. For example search your shoe, or search your pencil, or something else, usually, it is always not successful by searching. I have also had such experience. And I then thought, It is better that I need not search, but they tell me where they are. That is the basic idea by this searching. Instead of searching, they should tell me where they are. But how?

Now I tell you how. First you should have an concept that, the files are not files, but objects, that mean, every file in your Computer are File object, that is more than file. Every file object has already an listener, that is fast an sensor, that mean, when you search something, every file object will be automatically actived, and try to ask himself, whether he is your search object, when yes, he will come to you automatcally. So it is simple.

Now you have know the search principle.  Do you know why it should be so? First let's look at the usually search way. Usually we will create an search table, maybe a Hashtable, maybe it includes still a Hashtable. but at all, we look for something still one by one. That mean, when you see something, something are still waiting there for you. We can not touch two things in the same time. In principle, when you search something with software, you can never realize, touch two thing in the same time. But how to improve the search way? The answer is using hardware,  using hardware you can really do two things, even more things at the same time. That mean, you get things not one by one, but more things at the same time. Now the questions is, how can we still improve search efficient through using software, the answer is, using File object, every object is a thread, that is in most time not actived, only when you make them actived, they work in concurrent wise. And when a file object is what you want, he will go to your result table, that mean, he create some text as link and write this in your result table.
programming | 阅读 1563 次
2006-07-30 09:28
A little more to this subject:

think about the date structure from Tree,  a tree has a root, the root can be null, or can also be an object. root stands in level 0, then in level1 are the childreen of roots, any child can also has his child, they stand in his next level.  Only the object that has no child more, is leaf. In a file system, the leaf is the object, that consists of a file, the others are the objects, that consist of more objects(his children), it could be so that, there were leafs in his children or nonleaf fileobject in his children. 

A file system consists of file object, a file object could be a leaf or nonleaf. A leaf in file system is a file object, that has a file. My Idea is, every file object will have a listener, that mean a listener will be added in a file object. Searching in a file system, will like something, water go through all pipes.  In level one a listener will some response, that mean,  he will ask himself, if he is leaf, when yes, then search the file, when no, then search his children, and the his children make the same thing. Pay attention here, when a file object is not a leaf, he will make all his children active, because every file object is a thread, active a file object then this file object will do search. So in a very quickly time, All file object in this file system will be actived and start their searching work, so that many searching works will be done in the same time, that is concurrent. 

I will implement it recently in java.
