
作者在 2008-08-12 14:08:34 发布以下内容
// a Screen class
using namespace std;
class Screen
 typedef string ::size_type index;
 //the constructor
 Screen(index hh,index ww): height(hh),width(ww),cursor(hh),contents(hh*ww,' '),access_ctr(0){ }
 char get() const
  return contents[cursor];
 char get(index ht,index wd) const;
 inline index get_cursor() const;  //inline declared in the class declaration,but can be defined inline later
 Screen& move(index r,index c);
 Screen& set(char);
 Screen& set(index,index,char);
 //display overloaded on whether the object is const or not
 Screen& display(ostream &os)
  return *this;
 const Screen& display(ostream &os) const
  return *this;
 string contents;
 index cursor;
 index height,width;
 mutable size_t access_ctr;  //may change in a const members
 void do_display(ostream &os) const
Screen::Screen(): height(0),width(0),cursor(0),contents(""),access_ctr(0) { }//constructor
inline char Screen::get(index r,index c) const  //not declared inline in the class declaration,but ok to make inline in definition
 index row=r*width;
 return contents[row+c];
Screen& Screen::move(index r,index c)
 index row=r*width;
 return *this;
Screen& Screen::set(char c)
 return *this;
Screen& Screen::set(index r,index c,char ch)
 index row=r*width;
 return *this;
int main()
 Screen myscreen(5,3);
 const Screen blank(5,3);
 myscreen.move(4,0).set('&');  //move cursor to given position,and set that character
 //calls nonconst version
 myscreen.move(4,0).set('*').display(cout);  //move cursor to given position,set that character and display the screen
 //calls const version
// cout<<myscreen.access_ctr<<endl;
 return 0;
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